"Are You Still Going to Make a Calendar This Year?"

Fleming Point | Albany State Marine Reserve | Albany, CA

“Are you still going to make a calendar this year?” my Mom asked the other day. The question came from the assumption that Covid, and the lack of travel, would “prevent” me from pulling together my “best shots” from 2020.

Sure, trips to Europe, Tahoe, and Sonoma were all cancelled this year. There was no work-related travel. But we did indeed get to Florida in January, Park City in February, attended a concert in March (that may have been sketchy). And for a change of scenery, we spent the summer in San Diego, and took local trips in the Bay Area that did not require getting on a plane.

So yes, there will be a calendar.

In fact, I think I may have had a harder time this year compared to the past. It’s not easy narrowing down the best 13 to include in calendar (12 months plus the cover shot). In fact, I intend to write an additional “honorable mentions” blog post as I felt really bad for the photos that got “left behind” this year.

19 Years and Counting…

My 2003-2020 calendars.

Every year since 2003 I have been making a calendar of my “best of the best” photos. (I wasn’t sure what year I started this, so I needed to dig them all out!)

I give them to my family at the holidays and include all the birthdays and anniversaries and the like within them. Since I started this Web site last January, I have set a goal of trying to get all those photos on to the site…at some point.

Aside from tracking all those old photos down (I have been through a few computers since 2003, including a Dell Desktop and IBM laptop), it takes time to title, describe, and link to the places in the photos. But “re-telling” those stories of the photos adds a new element to them - and I’ll enjoy the walks down memory lanes. And with Lightroom, I may even “remaster” some of them.

So far, in addition to this year’s, I’ve only got 2020 and 2019 up, but I’ll get the remaining 16 up there by hook or by crook as my Mom likes to say. She’s probably one of my biggest fans of these calendars (of course).

What about you? Do you make annual calendars from your best shots? What’s your best shot from 2020?

Click on the 2021 Calendar below to see my best from 2020.