Letting the Cat(s) Out of the Bag on Where I've Been

Pebbles & Midnight. Who’s who?

So this is my first post since April. Not because I haven’t wanted to write, and definitely not because I haven’t been taking photos.

I’ve got to blame it on something (can’t be the rain, it hasn’t rained here since April), so I’ll blame it on Covid and just generally being overwhelmed by trying to keep it all together with home schooling, work, wildfires, and this political climate.

So this morning I decided I will create my first post in six months. And, I also decided I can always go back in time and write (and post date) the posts I’ve been meaning to write, but haven’t.

So to start (that’s three paragraphs in a row starting with So), like many during this pandemic, we too decided to get a pet…or pets. Two kittens from Oakland Animal Services - Pebbles and Midnight. Can you guess who’s who? We got them back in mid-September at two months old, but they’ve already grown so much in the past month!

We’ve been taking LOTS of photos of these two, but for this post, I am going to limit it to ones I’ve taken with my Z6. And perhaps share the iPhone ones later.

So without further ado, here are our two newest family members. Enjoy!